Weekly Newsletter & Updates
Salam be hamegi!
On behalf of UBC Persian Club (UBCPC), we would like to give some updates regarding our actions and plans each week for events centered around the ongoing unrest in Iran. Please check our social medias for more information regarding each event:
To subscribe to our newsletter, please click here
November 10, 2022
On behalf of UBC Persian Club (UBCPC), please find below updates regarding our upcoming events, previous events/projects, and future goals centered around the ongoing unrest in Iran. Please check our Instagram (@ubcpc) for more information regarding each event:
1. UBCPC “Baraye Iran” Teach-In #1:
Women’s Rights and Women Led Activism - Dr. Parin Dossa
The UBC Persian Club invites you to our “Baraye Iran” teach-in and community discussions event, an ongoing series of academic/activist lectures and discussions in light of the ongoing situation in Iran. We will kick off this series with a talk and discussion about women’s rights and women-led activism by Dr. Parin Dossa, Professor Emeritus @ SFU, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, speaking at this event. The event will take place on Monday, November 14, from 4:30-6:30pm in the BC Hydro Theatre (CIRS Building)! Please RSVP here.
2. Applying to UBC Telegram Group:
Join our Telegram group to get help from current UBC students! In this group, you can get in contact with other applications and volunteer UBC students and discuss the application or have your questions answered. The Telegram group link can be found here.
3. Petition for the Letter Open letter to SFU and UBC Concerning the Situation in Iran and the Women's Liberation Movement.
You can read and sign the letter using this link.
Past Events/Projects:
In addition to the events which we have conducted over the past month, we have had one event occur in the past week.
1. UBCPC Pin Booth
On Friday November 4th, the UBCPC handed out solidarity pins and stickers by donation from 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM in the AMS Nest. Proceeds from the sale will go towards creating more pins, stickers, and UBCPC events that create further awareness about the situation in Iran.
Plans in Progress:
The UBCPC External team has been reaching out to various groups, businesses, and clubs in Vancouver. The goal of such interactions is to cultivate more resources for students to use, and connect more businesses with our donation plan.
Meetings with UBC Student Life and Health and Wellness Center to set up more UBC-backed support events for students.
Continuing communication with AMS and UBC leadership for admissions support. Thank you to everyone who sent emails and put this issue on their priority list!
Future Goals:
Communicate with UBC about support for students applying from Iran
Communicate with professors to secure compassionate procedures for students at UBC
Continue providing mental-health related support groups for students here at UBC
November 2, 2022
On behalf of UBC Persian Club (UBCPC), please find below updates regarding our upcoming events, previous events/projects, and future goals centered around the ongoing unrest in Iran. Please check our Instagram (@ubcpc) for more information regarding each event:
Upcoming Events:
1. UBCPC Pin Booth:
On Friday November 4th, find the UBCPC handing out solidarity pins and stickers by donation from 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM in the AMS Nest. Proceeds from the sale will go towards creating more pins, stickers, and UBCPC events that create further awareness about the situation in Iran.
2. Donation and Microgrant Program (long-term):
If you are seeking a microgrant (up to $100, as funds permit) for the following: - Educational material/freedom of speech, i.e. printing posters or buying materials that will help educate the public or, - immediate need and financial hardship, Please refer to instructions on Instagram on how to apply. Funding is being raised through community donations and a grant from the UBC Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS). Please note that grants will be approved only as funds permit. If you are seeking to donate to the fund, please click here. We greatly appreciate your support!
3. Petition for the Letter Open letter to SFU and UBC Concerning the Situation in Iran and the Women's Liberation Movement.
You can read and sign the letter using this link.
Past Events/Projects:
In addition to the events which we have conducted over the past month, we have had two very fruitful events occur in the past couple weeks.
1. Roundtable Discussion on Plans for Action (Friday, October 21st 5pm-7 pm in the Nest, Room 2306/2309)
This event was open to everyone; Students, Non-students, alumni, staff and members of our community. This roundtable provided a place for open discussion and to connect members of our community together to better organize action and create more impactful support for Iran.
2. Letter Writing Campaign to the UN with UBC Amnesty International (Monday, October 24th, 7-9 pm in the Nest, room 2314) UBC Amnesty's first campaign of the year focused on the ongoing human rights violations in Iran. Participants joined in on a presentation followed by a letter writing campaign.
Plans in Progress:
● Meetings with UBC Student Life and Health and Wellness Center to set up UBC-backed support events for students.
● Continuing communication with AMS and UBC leadership for student support events and admissions support. Thank you to everyone who sent emails and put this issue on their priority list! Future Goals:
● Communicate with UBC about support for students applying from Iran
● Communicate with professors to secure compassionate procedures for students at UBC
● Continue providing mental-health related support groups for students here at UBC
October 19, 2022
Upcoming Events:
1. Roundtable Discussion on Plans for Action (Friday, October 21st 5pm-7 pm in the Nest, Room 2306/2309)
This event is open to everyone; Students, Non-students, alumni, staff and members of our community. This roundtable is to provide a place for open discussion and to connect members of our community together to better organize action and create more impactful support for Iran. We want to hear your voices, and come together as a community. We will be offering merchandise such as solidarity pins and stickers. Resources available to the community and students will be provided. Please use the registration link here to register for our event!
2. Letter Writing Campaign to the UN with UBC Amnesty International (Monday, October 24th, 7-9 pm in the Nest, room 2314)
UBC Amnesty's first campaign of the year will focus on the ongoing human rights violations in Iran. Join us next Wednesday for a presentation followed by a letter writing campaign. Pizza will be included. Please use the registration link here to register!
3. Long-term) Donation and Microgrant Program
If you are seeking a microgrant (up to $100, as funds allow) for 1. educational material/freedom of speech, i.e. printing posters or buying materials that will help educate the public or 2. immediate need and financial hardship, please refer to our instructions on Instagram for how to apply. Funding is being raised through donations and a grant from the Arts Undergraduate Society at UBC. Grants will be approved as funds allow.
If you are willing to donate, please click here. We would greatly appreciate your support.
4. Sign the Petition for the Letter Open letter to SFU and UBC concerning the situation in Iran and the women's liberation movement.
You can read the letter and sign it using this link.
Past Events/Projects:
Women, Life, Freedom Gathering and Reflections with the UBC Equity and Inclusion Office (October 18th)
Middle East Matters Global Student Day of Action: March for Iran and Afghanistan (October 17th)
Open letter to SFU and UBC concerning situation in Iran and the women's liberation movement (October 16th)
Sing for Iran (October 13th)
Support Session for Students Impacted by the Current Situation in Iran (Workshop #1) (October 13th)
Support Session for Students Impacted by the Current Situation in Iran (Workshop #2) (October 14th)
Memorial for Mahsa Amini (September 21st)
Plans in Progress:
Meetings with UBC Student Life and Health and Wellness Center to set up UBC-backed support events for students.
Working with UBC to streamline their emergency aid services, including financial aid.
Continuing communication with AMS and UBC leadership for student support events and admissions support. Thank you to everyone who sent emails and put this issue on their priority list!
Future Goals:
Communicate with UBC about support for students applying from Iran
Continue reaching out to professors and departments for statements and support
Continue providing mental-health related support groups for students here at UBC
Continue working with other Persian clubs across Canada and at SFU to bring forward joint statements